Etiquetas de usuario
Este usuario es un miembro del equipo de monitorización de wikis pequeñas.
This user tries to do the right thing. If he makes a mistake, please let him know.
Este usuario utiliza SWViewer para revertir vandalismo.
This user contributes to Asian Month.
Este usuario es un administrador en Wikidata. (verificar)
Este usuario es un reversor global. (verificar)
User language
ne-N यो प्रयोगकर्तासँग नेपाली पैदायसी ज्ञान छ ।
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
hi-3 इस सदस्य को हिन्दी का उच्च स्तर का ज्ञान है।
Users by language
A cat to make your day happy. Have a nice day.

Hello, I am Saroj Uprety! I am mainly active on Nepali Wikipedia, English Wikiquote, and several other Wikimedia projects.

I am also a SWMT Member dealing with cross-wiki vandalism and spam on a daily basis. If you wish to contact me, please do so on my talk page or send me an e-mail.

Greetings from Nepal! (UTC+5:45, currently 05:37 PM.)

Alternate accounts

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